Registered name: Sohalispirit Skyla Mae RN
ANKC Registration number: 3100363766
Microchip number: 956000006075151
Call name: Skyla
Birth: 26 July 2017
Breed: Labrador Retriever
Sex: Bitch (entire)
Colour: Yellow
Bred by: Kristie Ainsworth
Owned and handled by: Rachel Schreuder
Health Clearances
Hips 1:1 | Elbows 0:0
EIC Clear | PRA Clear | HNPK Clear | DM Clear
Full Breed Profile genetic screening: Clear on all 16 DNA tests
Eyes Clear August 2018 (ACES Certification)
Full dentition
Phenotype: Yellow carrying black
Genotype: eeBB
Skyla has the biggest heart! Her personality speaks volumes and she talks with her eyes. She has the sweetest demeanour that only wants to love, very much like her mother Skye Dreamer. She is very outgoing and friendly with anyone new she meets. She is quite agile and loves to run and play. You can the her intelligence in her eyes when she looks at you during obedience training. She has excellent focus, this has especially developed since showing and obedience trialling her. She will be a great brood bitch as she loves puppies and other dogs, and has tried to mother other bitches puppies.
- Parents and Pedigree
Achievements and Awards
Skyla has been awarded several Runner Up Best of Breed awards under different judges at Championship shows. She continues to be shown in the Conformation ring.
Skyla’s show results can be viewed on her Dogzonline official profile: Sohalispirit Skyla Mae RN
- Obedience Titles
Litters and Progeny
‘Autumn Litter’
Born: 27 May, 2019
Sohalispirit Skyla Mae RN x Grand Champion Kelindebar English Oak
Eight yellow puppies: Lucky, Ziggy, Oscar, Cooper, Panda, Frankie, Blaze and Doug
‘Sky Litter’
Born: 7 April 2021
Sohalispirit Skyla Mae RN x Grand Champion Kelindebar English Oak
Nine yellow puppies: Beau, Rocky, Bear, Tucker, Coco, Mango, Lucy, Nala, and Sasha
Activities Skyla enjoys
Skyla enjoys a life of activity including
- Championship Conformation Shows
- Obedience Training
- Pet Therapy visits to the aged care home
- Swimming, bushwalks, running beside the bicycle
- Loves water and garden hoses!
- Playing with new toys and the other dogs
- Companionship and cuddles
Skyla’s Photo Gallery