Labrador Retrievers

About Labradors
Labradors are very friendly, loving, loyal, affectionate and smart. They are amazing family dogs which is why they are so popular and loveable. They are named the most popular dog breed in Australia, the UK, and the USA. When you learn the history of the labrador breed you will understand ...
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The Breed Standard
A Breed Standard is essentially a ‘blueprint’ describing the desired traits of each breed of dog. The Labrador Breed Standard was first drawn up by the Kennel Council in 1916. It originated in the United Kingdom. The Labrador Breed Standard describes the ideal characteristics, temperament, appearance, structure, type and movement, ...
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Why Buy Purebred?
Buying purebred means you know indeed that your labrador has a legitimate pedigree and comes from pure labrador bloodlines with documented genetics. For hundreds of years, mankind has bred strains of dogs with desired characteristics and abilities, and instincts to perpetuate and enhance these characteristics. All breeds were developed for ...
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Registrations and Pedigree
The ANKC is the formal national registration body for all purebred dogs in Australia. The ANKC has formed breed standards for every pure breed of dog, which describe the ideal characteristics, temperament, appearance and soundness of each breed. They are the national administrative body for pure breed canine affairs in ...
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Health and Genetic Testing
Focusing on the health of our labradors and offspring produced by them is foremost in our breeding ethic. A healthy pup is a happy pup. Due to the generally sound construction of the labrador, health problems are less of a big deal than they are in some other dog breeds. ...
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Conformation Showing
There was a time when we were not interested in showing our dogs. I don’t really know what changed our views on showing, but I think it was the allure of possibly owning a dog worthy of an Australian Champion Title, and believing Kodie (with her great structure and type) ...
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Dog Sports and Events
It is one of the best ways to deeply bond with your dog. It’s great exercise. And it just might be one of the most personally rewarding endeavours of your life. It’s the world of canine sports and events. Something special happens between the owner and dog when they train ...
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